Stefano De Giorgis


I was born in Turin, Italy, in 1993. I've always been interested in language and semantic technologies: these interests drove me to Alma Mater Studiorum, in Bologna, where I graduated in Linguistics Sciences with a Master thesis titled Post-truth, populism and knowledge extraction - A frame semantics approach to Indirect Hate Speech.
My PhD thesis in Digital Humanities, titled Ethics in the Flesh - Formalizing Moral Values with Frame Semantics and Embodied Cognition, is focused on cognitive semantics, in particular on the formalization of values - as intended in ethics - with a strong commitment to embodied cognition perspective, structured via a frame semantics approach.

My detailed CV is available here.

Academic activity

Here you can find a list of selected publications:
1. De Giorgis S., Gangemi A., Gromann D., ImageSchemaNet: Formalizing embodied commonsense knowledge providing an imageschematic layer to framester., Semantic Web Journal, 2023.
2. De Giorgis S., Gangemi A., That's All Folks: a KG of Values as Commonsense Social Norms and Behaviors, arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.00632 (2023).
3. De Giorgis S., Gangemi A. The Emotion Frame Ontology International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2023, under revision.
4. De Giorgis S., Gangemi A., Damiano R., Basic Human Values and Moral Foundations Theory in ValueNet Ontology. International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW). Springer, Cham, 2022. [Best Paper Nomination]
5. Asprino L., Bulla L., De Giorgis S., Gangemi A., Marinucci L. Mongiovì M., Uncovering Values: Detecting Latent Moral Content from Natural Language with Explainable and Non-Trained Methods. Proceedings of Deep Learning Inside Out (DeeLIO 2022): The 3rd Workshop on Knowledge Extraction and Integration for Deep Learning Architectures, 2022.
6. De Giorgis S., Gangemi A., Gromann D., Introducing ISAAC: the Image Schema Abstraction And Cognition Modular Ontology. Proceedings of Joint Ontology Workshop - Cognition and Ontologies (JOWO - CAOS), 2022.

Here you find a list of the main academic roles:
1. Colloquium Shifting Tides 2023: Norms, Ethics, and Values in an Evolving World of AI and Society - Local Organizer & Speaker
2. CAOS 2023 - Cognition and Ontologies - Chair
3. ExICE 2023 - Extended Intelligence for Cultural Engagement - PC Member
4. ISWS 2023 - International Semantic Web Summer School - Head Assistant Tutor
5. ISWS 2022 - International Semantic Web Summer School - Assistant Tutor
6. JOWO 2022 - Joint Workshop of Ontologies - PC Member